Status of Operations - Summer 2022

Hello World, believe it not… Nippon Motion still exists!

As our core business activities revolve around organizing in-person events, it should come as no surprise that the global COVID-19 pandemic put everything on ice for us. Luckily our business model does not require we generate annual income and we have been “keeping the lights on” with existing funding funding during the past 2+ years. However, we apologize for not providing regular updates during this period. To be quite frank, we had nothing to advertise though, and we never set out to exist solely via our social media accounts… hence the silence. That being said, if you are reading this now, and/or still follow us, thank you very much for your continued interest in our prior and future endeavors!

While we don’t currently have any announcements regarding large-scale events (ie. Baltimore Japan Art Festival), B•A•D has been active and growing since 2020 with the start of our Twitch channel ( and Discord server ( In April 2020, our monthly screening event B•A•D Night transitioned to Twitch and continues to happen there (usually) every 1st Sunday of the month. In late 2021 this screening event did irregularly happen as an in-person event (in addition to the Twitch stream) in Baltimore City, but is set to officially return to The Crown starting next month (September 2022). Join the Facebook group ( to get updates on all of our upcoming in-person events, as we hope to get back to additional non-screening events in the near future.

Just last month we, and members of B•A•D, hosted several panels at Otakon 2022 in Washington, DC. After a two year hiatus at the convention, Rob & Darrell were once again able to host a Japanese tea panel to a “sold out” audience, which was a great feeling. Despite some significant growing pains, the convention broke all previous attendance records by welcoming over 40,000 people - quite an achievement in our “post pandemic” world.

Again, thank you for your interest in Nippon Motion and keep a tab on our social media accounts for upcoming news. [Spoilers: we are currently working on another big event for this fall… or early 2023]